Introduction to MDH
Malate Dehydrogenase is a simple redox reaction recognizable to students from the tricarboxylic acid cycle. However, MDH plays a much more complicated role in a range of metabolic pathways supporting cellular function in a variety of states and organisms. This diversity of metabolic roles and the regulation of its function make MDH a nearly endless source of interesting untapped research projects. This is page contains helpful links on the structure, kinetics, mechanism and function of published MDH works as well as helpful guides on the science of MDH. Select documents are reserved for MCC faculty. See password protected section below.
Foundational Concepts of Structure
Foundational Concepts of Reactions
Malate dehydrogenase: a model for structure, evolution, and catalysis
Malate Dehydrogenase - Structure and Function
Malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes: Cellular locations and role in the flow of metabolites between the cytoplasm and cell organelles (Gietl Bioenergetics 1992)
Evolutionary relationships among the malate dehydrogenases (McAlister-Henn TIBS 1998)
Introduction to MDH Regulation and Kinetics
Enzymes and Information from the study of enzyme kinetics
Regulation of malate dehydrogenase activity by glutamate… (Fahien JBC 1998)
Malate dehydrogenase: A model for structure, evolution, and catalysis (Goward Protein Science 1994)
MDH Metabolism, Structure and Disease
Function, kinetic properties, crystallization, and regulation of microbial malate dehydrogenase (Takahashi-Iniguez JZU 2016)Publication
Mammalian MDH Post-Translation Modification
Post Translational Modifications in MDH1 May Affect Lung Cancer Survival (Sohl FEBS Abs 2019)
Acetylation of malate dehydrogenase 1 promotes adipogenic differentiation via activating its enzymatic activity (Kim JLR 2012)
Post-translational modifications on mitochondrial metabolic enzymes in cancer (Peng Free Rad Biol Med 2022)
MDH Metabolism, Structure and Disease
MDH and HydroxyglutarateMalate Circulation: Linking Chloroplast Metabolism to Mitochondrial ROS (Zhao Trends Plant Sci 2020)
On the role of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in plant productivity (Zhang JIPB 2018)
Metabolons in plant primary and secondary metabolism (Obata Phytochemistry Rev 2019)
Association of the malate dehydrogenase-citrate synthase metabolon is modulated by intermediates of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle (Omini Nature 2021)
Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase activity helps support glycolysis in actively proliferating cells and cancer (Hanse Nature Oncogene 2017)
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